Make your Browser Full Screen

Browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer can be  viewed in Full Screen which gives us much better and detailed view of the web page.The Steps are simple and can be done easily.

Google Chrome:

1. Open the web page in Google Chrome  browser.

2. On the upper right corner of the browser click on the menu button  . Then the drop down list      appears

3. In the drop down menu, Near the zoom we can see the full screen icon. Click on the icon to avail the full screen.

Mozilla Firefox:

1. Open the web page in Mozilla Firefox  browser.

2. On the upper right corner of the browser click on the menu button  . Then the drop down list  appears.

3. Click on the Full Screen icon to make the browser to full screen mode.

4. Pressing F11 also do the same by making the browser to Full Screen mode.

Shortcut Method:

There is also a shortcut key to make your browser full screen. Just by pressing F11 on your keyboard, you can make your browser full screen and restores it by pressing F11 again.

This same method also works for all other browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

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