Vivaldi is new and emerging browser developed by Opera co-founder Jon von Tetzchner which is fast and browser with rich functionality, high flexibility and puts the user first.
Vivaldi is based on Chromium/Blink which can be easily been seen. It uses Chromium as rendering engine and it also uses some features of Node.js as modules, Chrome's Javascript runtime, and the React Javascript library.
Vivaldi is based on Chromium/Blink which can be easily been seen. It uses Chromium as rendering engine and it also uses some features of Node.js as modules, Chrome's Javascript runtime, and the React Javascript library.
Vivaldi is available on Windows, Linux,and Mac.It contains nice good features like thumbnails of the websites you have open and stacking tabs at the top.There is a small side panel which links to often used features like bookmarks and downloads.Users have the option to hide it or move to right side of the browser.
The bookmark Manager is accessible from the sidebar as well as the New Page tab,The other options available from side bar are Mail which is similar to Opera, as they are trying to integrate the Browser directly with the mail.
The other Feature is Notes where we can make notes easily within the browser itself.IT also contains download and people.
The other interesting Feature is that while changing tabs the colour also changes according to the websites colour.We can also change the position of the tabs to bottom, right or left.We can also stack together tabs for easy access
Vivaldi developer team is currently working on Mail, Extension, Sync, Performance, and Spatial Navigation.
You can download the Technical Preview from here : Vivaldi